Billy Joe Cain – has spent 30 years in the interactive space, creating award-winning games, simulations, educational programs, and “gamified” training products. He has launched a new EA Sports franchise, built products for Nickelodeon, delivered a flight simulator for the United States Air Force, and created and maintained online educational programs to improve critical thinking, math, and vocabulary skills. Now, his mission is to prevent human trafficking with PBJ Learning!
JL Carpenter – As a former prosecutor, Attorney J.L. Carpenter has worked both sides of the aisle, prosecuting and now defending people facing criminal charges. J.L. often says that she represents the “misunderstood.” This is because many folks who find themselves in the criminal justice system due to underlying issues such as drug and alcohol addiction. Attorney Carpenter regularly assists families in securing recovery resources for their loved ones struggling with addiction.
Rev Michael JS Carter – An active minister and long time UFO Contactee, his Book Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible, was (in March of 2014) number one on’s list of UFO related books. Michael has written articles on the topic of UFOs and Religion for such publications as UFO Magazine, and more. Michael is also a regular consultant on The History Channel’s, Ancient Aliens Series and serves on the advisory board of The Foundation For Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters.
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Katherine Chiljan – Independent researcher and scholar who has studied the Shakespeare authorship controversy for over 30 years. She has debated the topic with English professors at the Smithsonian Institution and at the Mechanics’ Institute Library in San Francisco. She has written several articles for Shakespeare-Oxford Newsletter, and served as its editor for two years. She is currently on the Research Grant committee for the Shakespeare-Oxford Fellowship.
Charles Christian – An English barrister and Reuters correspondent turned award-winning tech journalist, editor, author and sometime werewolf hunter. He writes, he drinks tea, he knows things. As someone who has written everything from problem pages for women’s magazine through to horror short stories, by way of folklore columns, tech feature-length articles and even a nonfiction encyclopedia on witchcraft and sorcery, expect anything. The Urban Fantasist website is home to his books, videos, blog posts and podcasts.
Archbishop James Cloud – exorcist and author of Walking with Ghosts: an Exorcist’s Memoir of the Paranormal, Father James Cloud has spent the better part of his life in service to his God and the last many years as Archbishop for the Order of St Michael the Archangel and as an exorcist. From Clearing houses and property to banishing spirit from captured souls, Father James spend everyday battling the forces of darkness that are forever stalking all of us.
Marla Wynn Cooper – niece of the infamous skyjacker DB Cooper, author of DB’s Niece (In the Raw, Unedited!): a memoir. The D.B. Cooper case remains the only unsolved case of airline piracy to this day!
Gretchen Cornwall – Member of the British Archaeological Association, Gretchen has appeared on the History Channel, The Curse of Oak Island, for her knowledge of the Knights Templar & medieval history. Her first book, the Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal was published in 2015 with the Revised Edition in 2018. All the new content from the Revised Edition was published in a booklet, The Stars of the Magdalene.
David Deeds – brings over 10 years of experience researching and raising awareness about human trafficking. In that time, he has hosted events, engaged legislators, and found innovative ways of working against human trafficking while informing others with PBJ Learning. He has conducted a content analysis on more than 5,000 pages of textbooks that revealed criminal justice students are exposed to very little literature on human trafficking in schools.
Merrell Fankhauser – 60’s surf guitar legend, musician, and redsearcher of the land of Mu and its possible connection to the famed “Malibu Anomaly” off the coast of Malibu California. Merrell lived in Maui and began collecting stories from Hawaiian elders about the fabled “Land of Mu”?.
Nathaniel Gillis – religious demonologist and author. After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel is the founder of Preternatural Epiphenomenal Philosophy. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. He’s often quoted for his concept of the demonic. “The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game.”
Dr John Hall –
Dr Mary Helen Hensley – Regarded as one of Ireland and Europe’s most sought-after metaphysical healers and synergistic speakers Dr. Mary Helen Hensley is considered an authority on the topics of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and communication with the spirit world as well as the ability to glimpse into future events. Mary can also facilitate healing within people by what she refers to as “downloading their past” to help change their present biological state.
Daniel Alan Jones – adventures into the unknown and explores the mysteries of the world & beyond! Every day new discoveries are being made! Daniel takes a closer look into the realms of unexplained phenomenon, scientific breakthroughs, and other incredible events all around us!
James Keenan, author and researcher
Terry Lovelace – a 64-year-old lawyer and former assistant attorney general. In 2012 a routine X-ray found an anomalous bit of metal the size of a fingernail with two tiny wires attached. Terry served as an active duty medic and EMT in the United States Air Force from 1973 to 1979. Terry served as Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Territory of American Samoa, and finished his legal career as State’s Attorney for Vermont’s Board of Medical Practice in 2012 .
June Lundgren – psychic, medium, nurse, animal communicator and author. As a young child she communicated with animals and spirits. As she grew older her psychic abilities grew stronger. She has been helping people with their paranormal issues for over thirty years and is an active member of NW Paranormal Investigative Team. Her specialty in the group is negative removals.
Christopher Lynch – owner and product formulator for True Hemp Science, an Austin, Texas based provider of spagyrically processed CBD oils and products.
Kathleen Marden – researcher, author, on camera expert, conference presenter, experiencer advocate, hypnosis practitioner and support group facilitator. Kathleen is known as one of the leading UFO contact researchers of our time. Since 1990, she has researched the perplexing nature of UFOs and the non-human entities associated with highly advanced aerial vehicles via her own groundbreaking research, investigation, and experimentation.
Dr Kimberly McGeorge – internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert, and consciousness teacher. For the past 25 years, she has worked on thousands of people around the world. Her latest ground-breaking program Frequency Master™ teaches how to master frequencies in your own life and trains other healers to use her own unique and successful methods.
Steven Myers – Founder of the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation. He has always been interested in technology and this interest grew into a passion for understanding the technical aspects regarding the Great Pyramid. His focus has led him to establish our Oregon based 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding how and why the Great Pyramid water pump was built. Myers has studied this structure for over twenty years and he has complied much of the research conducted by the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation into two books and two documentaries.
Jared Murphy – Jared Murphy is the researcher and author of “It’s Not Aliens, Worse, It’s Us: Discovering Our Lost History” & Podcaster.
Lindsey Scharmyn – author of five books and counting, a Master Teacher, a video and podcast show host and spiritual guide, and an experiencer of other realms and states of consciousness and aims to continue uplifting all of herself in order to uplift all of the world.
Anton Schulke –
Johsua Shapiro – crystal skull researcher and author of Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed and founder of the website, Joshua has spent the better part of his life researching crystal skulls, the messages they carry and the power they emit into the world around them.
Southeast Texas Bigfoot – Russel and Michelle Miller are the official founders of Southeast Texas Bigfoot and the Southeast Texas Bigfoot Roadshow in Mineola, Texas. Along with the help of many loyal Sasquatch hunters, they roam the wild of Southeast Texas is search of the elusive crytpid.
Richard B Spence – Richard B. Spence is an American historian and retired Professor of History at the University of Idaho. He specializes in modern Russian, military, espionage and occult history. He has produced biographies of Sidney Reilly and Aleister Crowley as well as The Real History of Secret Societies series and more.
Dennis Stone – Owner ~ America’s Stonehenge. Built by a Native American Culture or a migrant European population? No one knows for sure. A maze of man-made chambers, walls, and ceremonial meeting places, at over 4,000 years old America’s Stonehenge is most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States.
Kris Sumner – paranormal investigator and researcher with Soul Sisters Paranormal to discuss the world of paranormal investigations and experiences she has had while out in the field. Soul Sisters Paranormal is a group of paranormal investigators who travel to some of the most reportedly haunted locations across the U.S. Kris has also spearheaded the reopening of the historic Scott County jail in in Tennesse as a paranormal attraction the is even available to rent for paranormal excursions.
Robert W Sullivan IV, ESQ. – 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason as well as author of the books The Royal Arch of Enoch and the Cinema Symbolism series. Sullivan made his debut on The History Channel on The Curse of Oak Island: Drilling Down: Oak Island and the Founding Fathers (May 12, 2020), and returns to the History Channel in the Fall of 2020 on Beyond Oak Island. He is a frequent contributor to Fraternal Review Magazine.Robert is the CEO of Deadwood Publishing, LLC.
Scott M Taylor, Ed.D. – Dr Taylor is an expert at using binaural beat technology (Hemi-Sync) to enter into and hold expanded states of awareness. Dr. Scott Taylor is the President of the Expanded Awareness Institute. EAI helps people curious about near-death experiences explore what that experience means to them and to our culture as a whole. Scott is author and voice of six best-selling albums from Hemi-Sync, the “Into the Light” series.
Sev Tok – Experiencer, MUFON investigator and author of “You Have the Right to Talk to Aliens.” Sev is a tireless advocate for the voice of the experiencer and provides soul sessions as well as classes in her psychic studio series.
Mike Turber – former air force security officer turned contractor and now investigator journalist, Mike is the indomitable head of 5×5 News. Helping produce documentaries such as Money Machine: Behind the Lies, a film about the aftermath of the Route 91 Harvest fest shooting, America’s largest mass shooting that was shunned by mainstream media!
Craig Woolheater – Co-founded the Texas Bigfoot Research Center in June 1999, and started hosting the Texas Bigfoot Conference in 2001 in Jefferson, TX. Craig created the blogsite Cryptomundo in 2005. He has organized and hosted the Fouke Monster Festival since 2019. In 2021, he organized and hosted the Texas Bigfoot Film Festival. He has recently moved to Jefferson and is working on his 20 year dream of opening a Texas Bigfoot Museum there.
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